Take responsibility for your spouse’s soul

The purpose of marriage is to get your spouse to heaven while building the kingdom of heaven together on earth. Become a steward of your spouse’s soul by holding each other accountable and learning to love God through and with one another.

One of the biggest challenges for people who begin Emmaus 90 is sticking with the goals they set for themselves on Day 1. Your spouse is your best accountability partner, so an essential element of the program is a daily check-in with your spouse. Spend at least 5 minutes (for example, during dinner or before bed) asking each other the following questions:

  • Did I live up to my commitments today?

  • How well did I love you today?

  • How can I love you better tomorrow?

Throughout this time, you are encouraged to vulnerably open up your heart to one another to share details about your spiritual successes and failures throughout the day. You can also discuss prayer starter questions from the daily email and any insights you received from prayer and reflection.

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