Why do Catholics pray to saints?

In anything that we dedicate ourselves to, we seek to learn from and become more like the masters. Kahlo, Hendrix, Biles, Ramsay, Woods, Swift, Dostoevsky, Streep, to name a few. In the spiritual life, we first and foremost seek to become like our perfect teacher, God incarnate, but we can also look to many other spiritual heroes who have shown us throughout the ages what it means to become like Jesus and love like he did. The person who did this better than anyone else was his own mother, Mary, but there are thousands of saints from all walks of life, all generations, and all parts of the world.

These people are more than heroes to admire, though. Anyone who has been declared a saint has had miracles attributed to their intercession. Therefore, they exist in the fullness of communion with our Lord in heaven. We live in relationship with saints by praying to them not to worship them, which is reserved for God alone, but to ask for their assistance and intercession as we seek to become holier.

Is Emmaus 90 hard?

Yes. Be prepared to be challenged spiritually and emotionally. Having said that, Emmaus 90 was designed for couples at all stages of life, so there is a degree of flexibility that makes it accessible for couples with young children, time consuming jobs, or other challenging situations.

Who created Emmaus 90?

Emmaus 90 was created by Adam Mallette, a graduate of the University of Notre Dame (2018) with a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Houston (2023). Adam firmly believes in the power of strong marriages to transform the world, which is why he developed Emmaus 90. He has personally witnessed a dramatic transformation in his own life through his marriage to Maria (2019) and seeks to help others experience grace flowing through their sacramental vocation. He was also inspired by the profound effect that participating in Exodus 90 had on his spiritual life.

Do I have to start Emmaus 90 on a certain date?

No, you can start any day of the year! I encourage you to prayerfully reflect on what is best for your marriage and your spiritual life. If you want to finish on Easter Sunday, 2024, then you should start on January 1.

I’m not married - can I still do Emmaus 90?

Yes! Emmaus 90 is geared towards the vocation of marriage, so it was designed in such a way that it would be enriching for couples seriously discerning married life together. In fact, people who were single at the time have gone through the program to discern whether they are called to marriage and understand what to look for in a spouse.  

It’s free - what’s the catch?

No catch! I just want more couples to be inspired to reach the heights of holiness. Donations are accepted to promote this ministry but you will never be pestered with emails you don’t want.

How can I support this ministry?

Share it! With friends, family, and anyone else you can think of who might find value from Emmaus 90. If you are interested in partnering or collaborating, please don’t hesitate to reach out at emmaus90.jmj@gmail.com

Which married saints are you particularly devoted to?

My confirmation Saint and spiritual father, St. Joseph, and another husband who is happy to let their holy child take the spotlight: St. Louis Martin. Another person who has not yet been canonized is Pietro Molla, who I feel particularly connected to as an engineer married to an incredibly selfless pediatrician.

What Bible do you use?

All Bible verses are quoted from:

New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Where do the images in the emails come from?

All image references are cited in the email unless they are original content produced by the creator, which includes the Emmaus 90 logo. All images are reproduced under a Creative Commons license.

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